Legal notice
BIRKENHOF | Family Girardini
Via Tramontana 43
39020 Marlengo
South Tyrol | Italy
Phone: +39 0473 44 53 87
Fax: 39 0473 44 08 22
VAT no. IT02436250217
BIRKENHOF | Family Girardini
Via Tramontana 43
39020 Marlengo
South Tyrol | Italy
Phone: +39 0473 44 53 87
Fax: 39 0473 44 08 22
VAT no. IT02436250217
Archiv Birkenhof: Martin Geier, Armin Terzer; Tourismusverein Marling: Sigrid Frei, C. Gufler, Christian Lintner, Damian Pertoll, Günther Pichler, Armin Terzer; IDM Südtirol - Alto Adige: Frieder Blickle, Manuel Ferrigato, AlexFilz, Daniel Geiger, Alex Moling, Helmuth Rier, Patrick Schwienbacher, Manuela Tessaro;
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Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission.